Confindustria ANCMA asks the government to release 5,6 million in incentives for the purchase of electric mopeds and motorcycles by the end of 2023, the funds were left over from the 2022 allocation.
The 2023 Ecobonus initially allocated 35 million euros for the purchase of electric motorcycles, scooters and quadricycles (category L). Two months after requests were opened, this figure had dropped to 8 million euros and ran out after nine months, three months ahead of the end of 2023.
Now Confindustria ANCMA (National Association of Cycle and Motorcycle Accessories) is once again strongly asking the Government to unfreeze the 5,6 million euros advanced from the 2022 allocation foreseen by the Simplifications Decree to finance the allocation of the Ecobonus funds intended for the purchase of mopeds, motorbikes and electric quadricycles (category L). This can be read in a note released by the association of producers and distributors following the exhaustion of the 2023 funds three months ahead of the end of the year.
“In the first nine months of 2023 – continues the press release – the sector consumed the 35 million euros allocated by the 2021 budget law and by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 6 April 2022, confirming the fact that at this stage the incentive still represents an important lever and an indispensable measure for the development of an electricity market".

In recent months, ANCMA had reported the risk that the market could quickly burn through the available funds, also due to the growing commercial success of electric minicars, which consumed around 50% of the resources allocated for the year 2023.
“Certainty and continuity are needed, because – adds ANCMA – the intermittent trend of incentives damages companies in the sector, which find themselves unable to plan commercial activity and have to manage anomalous cash flows, as well as, naturally, slowing down the spread of electric mobility".
“Unlocking the 2022 funds – concludes the association – would guarantee the electric two-wheeler sector coverage for the final part of the year. Furthermore, given the complexity of the revision of the incentive package for the automotive world, on which MIMIT has been working for several months, it would be appropriate to remove the chapter on electric vehicles in the L category, to ensure autonomous management and quicker intervention times".

The Ecobonus 2023 for electric motorcycles and scooters
The 2023 Ecobonus for electric motorcycles and scooters that ANCMA requests to be financed with the frozen funds of 2022 provided for an incentive of 30%, up to a maximum of 3.000 euros, for purchase without scrapping, while it was 40%, up to a maximum of 4.000 euros, for the purchase with scrapping of an old vehicle with approval between Euro 0 and Euro 3. The ecobonus was calculated on the percentage of the purchase price of a new electric vehicle, belonging to the L1e, L2e, L3e, L4e categories , L5e, L6e, L7e.

Source: ANCMA
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